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Wet February? +

Well, I managed the whole of January without alcohol, but can´t say that I really noticed any improvement in my overall wellbeing in the way I slept and felt. I actually lost 4 kilos, which wasn´t a lot I don´t think, but I was impressed at the way my blood sugar dropped to practically normal and my blood pressure also went into the normal zone. I suppose I should keep going forever, but forever might come soon if we are not careful, so think the whisky might be on the bar tonight.

As I may have mentioned in Dry January , I was the one who invented this period of abstinence back in the 1970s, but then it was quite a thing as I was working with the Univac "Exec Team", who were renowned as the biggest p***artists in the company - mainly as we were working late into the evening at least a couple of times each week, so we took the additional hours worked as extra hours on our lunch breaks. Poor old Monty joined us from a company in Swindon and learned the very hard way - as he had to navigate his motorbike back down to the south after joining in one of our sessions (at his interview!). He fitted well. In the 70s, it was hard-going being the only one on the wagon, but I used to do it. Then, when we went to muslim climes, I switched from January to ramadhan (mainly as the company used to close the club bars then, and there was absolutely no point in doing it twice in a year)!

Anyway, this year it just slid by, with a glass of water in a whisky glass at the bar at 1800 being as good as it got - but as previously mentioned, having a lockdown with shortened hours at all the local bars also contributed. That and the locals´ inability to maintain distance, masks or vocal volume once they got inside the confines of a bar.

During January, the cases of Covid escalated alarmingly after the "freedom" allowed over Christmas with all the spanish meeting friends and family with seeming impunity. It wasn´t all locals either. The expats were at it too, with the golfers meetings and playing (and socialising) as before. Now the c**p has hit the fan on that too, and I know of a few golfers who have caught it - and many more who now realise they have been exposing themselves a bit too freely. I have a horrible premonition that it will spread quite quickly amongst the expat golfing set now it has taken hold.

Going back to the "diet", I existed mainly on dry biscuits, mixed nuts, crudités, porridge and my homemade lentil soup. When I say soup, it is actually more like a spicey dal, with garlic, chillis, cumin, turmeric, coriander and ginger added without a care - needless to say, G will not go near it. When I eat it without turning a hair (and actually adding some strong sambal chilli paste), I do wonder if I have a mild covid that stops me tasting the heat!

... and if you are wondering about the ´ photo, I have always said that life looks better through the bottom of a glass - that is, unless the glass happens to be empty as here.

+ ... and just heard this morning that a friend with whom we used to go out every couple of weeks has tested positive (that was only up to the start of covid though). He is dumbstruck and trying to work out how he caught it (but one of his current golfing society is in hospital with it, so there is a clue). He had been on antibiotics for a chesty cough and the doctor decided to send him for a PCR test rather than just continue the pills. Tested yesterday morning, results received within 24 hours, so at least that system works. He and his wife will (both) have to batten down the hatches in their apartment - never easy I´m thinking - but I have offered to get their shopping and drop it off (but not quite sure whether they are allowed as far as the gate), so how that would work is still unclear.


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