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An article in the press caught my eye this morning, but I had to read it about three times to even start to believe it. It was about a someone "gaming the system" in my view - about a peson who had flagged an issue to her superiors, who had failed to act upon her comments. She had flagged them elsewhere in the company, but received no support, but the management obviously decided she was a problem and started to give her a bit of grief, so she went on sick leave with "stress". Three years later she won a court case against them for mis-management of her complaints (reported the paper), wrongful dismissal I would guess in reality.

What was most surprising was the issue she flagged. It was reported that she told her management that women being called at weekend about work issues were being discriminated against on grounds of gender, as "women were more likely to be managing childcare at the weekend than men". Stop and read that again. She wanted them to call men instead of women (sorry, female child-carers) at weekends. Now that sounds like discrimination against the men to me - and a realistic gender issue, but not the way she wanted it. Her line management obviously felt the same and started to manage her "sideways / outwards" (and managed that badly too, or there would not have been a case).

Somehow, she won her case and 20 grand, but they refused her costs, which probably came to much more.

I actually heard of something similar when a worker reported harassment to her superiors (long before there were any "woke" codes about it), made an issue of it, then went off with stress - and sued them. She apparently received a bundle, but as the person telling me the story put it , the company got off lightly because it was the issue that got them to implement new policies to protect the staff from such treatment (read, save the company from being sued again). Did I mention she was supposedly a lawyer with experience of American-style discrimation case payout? Hence my scepticism about the case related above.

Oh, I forgot, one of her other issues was the culture where managers shouted at staff.

Give me strength. I wouldn´t last a day in these woke times.

Oh, and don´t even start on the real discrimination I / we experienced. When you don´t have kids, you are the mug who gets the out-of-season holiday times and are always first to be scheduled for working over events that other people want off for family time. And then there is the being a male WASP - but I have mentioned that before


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