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We need Frost here

We have been working through the garbage that is the current spanish customs charge for goods, without ever finding anything that explains exactly what is being applied, at what rate and against what sort of thresholds.

We believe that the base threshold is £10 as a declared value for free passage, and last week G received something valued at £20 for which the post office counter charged 10€ customs duty, so the thinking that values up to £25 get through and are charged seems more or less accurate.

Unfortunately last week someone sent G a birthday card with a small present inside and thus didn´t do the C12 customs sticker. Accordingly we got the official letter to say sort it out and pay. G knew it would be a small thing and it turrned out to be some make-up masks valued at less than £10.

I went through all the rigmarole of downloading and completeing the form, then uploading it to the website, (with the same details already entered there too), then uploading another copy of the NIE etc. Pain in the a***, but what can you do? It was listed as a gift with low value.

Today I received their proposed bill for the processing (see attached)

At first I thought they must have misread the value, but there it is - £10 converted to 11.63€, accompanied by a 226€ charge for customs and handling.

There is no real method of questioning it, so the only solution is "retun to sender".

I did file a complaint contact form, but don´t expect anyone to give a toss. The Northern Ireland customs issue pales into insignificance compared with these charges - get to it Lord Frost!


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