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Summer´s End

The changing of the (many) clocks shortly followed by the (hassle) of "All Souls" (with associated wholesale migration to the cemetry) on 1st November usually indicates the end of summer (that is, assuming the usual rain on Mijas or Fuengi feria which is actually the first indication). Now those indicators have past. I trimmed th bits of grass which are growing, revarnished a bench which had been stained by the dust and we wait for the constant bonfires which usually start in November - but hey! - not this year, as no rain means no bonfires, so the air remains clear. Well, it does until we find a need for the fire and we took delivery of our first "cube" (50€ worth) of leña yesterday. Puss seemed a bit miffed by the large sacks next to his troughing area, but he will survive it.

Oh, and we sprang a leak. Well we didn´t, the above-neighbours did and eventually it started trickling through our cellar walls. They were quite procative and called the ownwer - who sent the pool guy then a plumber. All well within a few hours and the old carpet dried enough to get relaid (despite my being told to "bin it"). Whilst we were talking to the neighbours, the kids appeared, so in a fit of idiocy I told them to try trick or treat on us. (knowing G had some sweets and that they were unlikely to be allowed anywhere else). The whole family turned up, but luckily we have everything available (softdrinks without the additivies) and Jack Daniels (don´t remember where that came from). Worthwhile as we caught up on the local gossip and found the old lady who owned the house above has died and the daughter has told the current renters that she is going to move in herself - and they will have to leave - even before the end of their 1 year contract. (This is, of course, garbage. The odds of her moving in are just about zero, but in spain you can break a rental contract by claiming "special needs" for your family). The odds of it reverting to airbnb have got us thinking it may be time to move on. Amazing that the people with three kids and two (nasty, noisy) dogs are preferral to the local owners is quite surprising, but certainly true.

The "lower" neighbours have been back in Denmark, so the mountain goats decided to take advantage of the lush grass that is growing down there . Lack of rain affects their natural shyness and a quiet garden is great for this family.

Another winter harbinger (or two) also appeared as we have the black redstarts back - hopping around the wall and patio, also a robin , which will keep them all in their place. The blackbirds have been back for about a month, while the pair of nosiy doves never seem to go away (unfortunately).

G "unlucky legs - thanks Jim" is having a bit of a problem with her ankle, necessitating trips down to the clinic in Fuengirola or hospital in Marbella - this is giving me a fair amount of downtime as I find a parking place to hide.I think I have renewed my relationships with about 5 cafes in Fuengi - and it is still proving impossible to predict the price of a "cafe con leche grande" to within 30 cents (except that the price is about 25% of what people pay in *bucks etc). Funnily enough I never consider myself as a coffee drinker (but they just don´t do proper tea here). Luckily Dunnes (irish M&S) have kept their line of fine china mugs, which are our "go-to" for a homebrew. Whilst on comestibles, we bought an airfryer recently and found it works very well (and save us from using the oven for the odd thing). At it´s best for frozen chips (not for me, obviously), but quick and easy for yorkshies. I intend to try it with some chestnuts at some stage - but realise as I write that that chestnuts can / do explode and getting chestnut puree up in the innards of the airfryer is probably to be avoided - maybe I will try welsh rarebit instead.


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