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Shambles, Pagaille, Confusión

It doesn´t really matter which country you are in, the handling of the Covid outbreak is, and is seen as, a shambles. I personally cannot believe how negative the press are (and I mean everywhere), constantly slagging off the efforts being made. Do they not realise this is a once in a century crisis which no-one can manage with confidence?

Even worse is when the politicos grind their part-political axes instead of trying to help their nation. Some labour tosswit was on UK tv tonight comlaining about what the goverment were / weren´t doing about Christmas and New Year and citing many other european countries as having done much better and been decisive in stopping things happening - and even citing spain as one of those countries.

Well, he is wrong. Spain is just as bad and just as stupid. Despite infection rates rising again, they have decided to relax restrictions over the holiday period - and, let me tell you, the spanish have as many selfish, inconsiderate tossers as they do in the UK and they will all be out partying, mixing with extended families and spreading, spreading, spreading.

In the UK, I even heard some woman complaining yesterday about the government forcing her to make her own decision about what to do over Christmas. Are people so stupid they need telling everything? (of course they are, it is part of the "blame someone else for everything" culture)

... and while we are at it, has anyone actually worked out how fast they can vaccinate 55,000,000 people? Simple arithmetic suggests that you will struggle to do more than one every 6 minutes - so 10 per hour, for, say, 10 hours. 100 per day per worker / vaccinator. Put 10 of those people in a "site" and you will get through 1000 per day. Create 200 of those "sites" around the country and that gives you 200,000 per day. With 55million, that takes 275 days, consecutive days without any time off. To do that sort of effort would require at least 3 or 4 shifts of workers and at least an equal number of support staff. So 80 staff per site, or 16000 workers. That is absolute best case. Halve it and you might be getting close, but are still wishful-thinking. Better still, think (end of) second half 2022 to vaccinate everyone in the UK without any hitches, strikes or whatever (and assuming they move to a single-jab vaccine too).

If I could invest in anything, it would be a "diabetes-style" blood test meter that would give you a positive or negative result within seconds. That would resolve a huge amount of the confusion about who can do what and where and with whom. But..

Don´t hold your breath

.. or rather, do hold your breath if you are near anyone else.


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