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Power to the People!

No, not Woolfie Smith, but the spanish energy suppliers who are getting to me (actually all of us) at the moment.

Quick backtrack. I saw an article in the local press stating that there were going to be new ranges of tariffs for electricity use, but it also mentioned that you had to change to a certain type of meter for it to be applied.

So I ignored it, but then rekindled my interest when my German neighbour stopped me and mentioned the change and how it had been applied to him without any changes to his meter.

I thought I might as well check if there was any warning of changes on my recent electricity bills - but then found that the latest (supposedly monthly) bill I had was from April and I hadn´t received anything since then.

(They had just taken the money as you might expect)

Once again I was forced to register with a website to try to find out what was going on - and managed to get to the point of downloading my most recent (and already paid) bill.

Well, that wasn´t too difficult.

The annoying part was to find that the new pricing system had already been implemented without them bothering to tell me.

But what can you expect?

Anyway, I tried to register to just receive online bills in future, but the system told me that I had already requested that.

Oh no I bloody hadn´t.

I can only guess they pretended to send me a letter telling me what was going to happen and telling me that if I did nothing it would happen and I would not get any more paper bills

A bit of a stretch for a supply company to pull a stunt like that?

No - these are the same people who cut out my electricity meter and disconnected my supply when they stopped receiving payments from someone they had transferred my account to.

I had to get my lawyer down to the electricity offices, whereupon they had the gall to say that it was probably someone I had rented the house to. Absolutely unbelievable (unless you live in Spain).

Bottom line is that they had implemented a new system with a peak period charge (3x regular) between 1000 and 1400 then between 1800 and 2200. "Regular" is from 0800 to 1000 and 1400 and 1800 , plus 2200 to 2400.

"Cheap" is from midnight to o0800 plus weekends and holidays (but is actually cheap at about 12% of "regular". A shame our washing machine doesn´t have a timer (and double shame for people living in apartments who are banned from using stuff in those cheap overnight periods).

I put the washing machine on just to be a bitch.

Then I thought I would see just how it might impact us.

Hmm - not as much as you might think, as the actual power charges only amount to about 25% of the total bill.

75% of the bill is overrheads and special charges - so their bullshit about spreading the load to save the planet is just that - and just another way of hitting the customer with an additional charge.

... and don´t start about generating your own solar power - the b*****ds will not let you have a mixed personal and provider supply. Got you all ends up.

What´s the usual expression when you are being "gypped", "just pay up and look pleasant"!


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