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Noño #2

The primary reason for going to the Niño is to provide a bit of support for Juan - but it is getting increasingly difficult to justify it.

Popped in last Saturday morning for the usual coffee, chupito of anis and to see the world passing.

Noticing that there were two families at tables, I took myself to the most distant one available. Now since the last post (hmm) about the Noño, they have "reduced the number" of tables inside and put small tables for two at the bar - with multiple signs reading" please do not stand athe bar". The law also states that masks should be worn except when actually in the process of consumption.

Well - and here is spain in a microcosm - the parents just do not care what their princess / princesses are doing as they are their children and can do no wrong. So one four-ish year old was wandering around the bar, touching things and singing to herself. The other three-ish boy climbed on and off every seat at the table where he was with his parents - touching every surface on everything. Not a peep from the parents.

Next three blokes walked in from outside. No masks. All three together up to the bar next to the little table and up to the "no standing at the bar" sign.

Suddenly one of them sneezes a pure spanish sneeze - just turn to the side and blow it out. Jesus.

Needless to say, I left pretty swiftly.

As before, it was Sarai alone on the bar and she was struggling to serve inside and outside and clean tables after use. Impossible.

Perhaps the key thing is that the people (not just the spanish) seem to regard bars and restaurants as part of their bubble, where they can take off their masks, talk and laugh loudly and behave as they would at home.

It is no wonder the infection rates have been so high.

A no-go beyond your own municipal boundary, forcing businesses to close at 1800 and having a curfew of 2300 for the past three weeks has obviously had a major effect in reducing the spread, but as long as people seem unable to think, or care, about their own actions, we are all doomed.


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