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New Year with Old Year Problems

In keeping with my British heritage, I shall start with the weather. It is dull and damp and I am awaiting the delivery of another lot of firewood. There are no sunny days on the horison at present, just more of this stuff, but the weather app had proved to have a forecasting range of about 24 hours, so things might brighten up.

As ever, waiting for people to do the things that have been promised. Some I have pretty much written off, but others are slightly more pressing, as other people are waiting on the outcome. Covid would seem to be coming to the end of its "catch-all" reason for non-delivery, so interesting to see what the next main excuse will be. I find it interesting when people use Whatsapp as a business medium, but seem unaware of the indicator that shows a message has been received and read - plus the "last seen" time. You can get away with a lot of "didn´t see it" with email or even (God.forbid) the paper post, but not Whatsapp.

Whilst on about technology, I had two calls from people telling me I have a problem with my Microsoft software this week - both receiving a brusque two-word command of dismissal - although the second one was trying to broaden Microsoft to include Whatsapp (it´s Facebook, which is possibly worse). Having a Mac setup does allow one to vent one´s spleen on occasion.

Black BoBo has been visiting on a regular basis for the past couple of weeks. He is on about three squares a day with us, so will struggle to get up the hillside if he has other people feeding him. He is still too timid to get close to, and has, as yet, failed to produce a single sound (hunger, gratitude, bored, whatever).

G´s car (the Juke) goes in for its second service next week - with less that 700Km on the clock. We still tend to use the Qashqai for almost everything, especially going to the bins, as her vehicle is not be allowed to be sullied with rubbish (or rain, or dirty roads, or dirty drivers for that matter).

Not seen any more of the invasive hornets recently, but did have a kamikaze bumble bee. He / she / it (now there is a proper use of modern "select your own" pronouns) threw itself in the pool and was lucky to be rescued- using a tissue which was all I had to hand. I put it on a plant and breathed on it a bit (a sight to behold in itself), then left it overnight. It seemed to be still alive the following morning, so I moved it onto the lavender, which was in the sun. Bugger me, but thirty minutes later, I had to fish it out of the pool again. Back on the lavender and seemed to be comtemplating a drier future, as walked along wall instead of heading for the water. Cute beasts.

Juan, the owner and grafter at the Niño, has gone on his annual hols and closed the bar for 6 weeks! How will I survive my weekends of excess? (or should I extend the diet beyond 4 days per week?). He is and his wife are going on a motorbike tour of Portugal for a couple of weeks - I will be going on a wine and tapes hunting tour of Mijas for the next six.

Back to Covid, it was illuminating (if not surprising) to read in El Pais that the government allowed a large demonstration to go ahead in 2020 when they knew the problems it would cause - and withheld the statistics that would have shown the issue. In Andalucia, they just take holidays and don´t bother reporting the figures (both Christmas Eve and New Year´s Eve stats ignored - which suited their wish to defer any decisions until after the festive period). You really can´t make it up. The whole of Andalucia is now in the "red zone", but they are adopting the UK strategy of hoping Omicron is less deadly (even as the deaths rise). WHen in the mire, change the response scenario I guess. A couple we know went off to South Africa for 3 months last week - not sure whether that is bravery or idiocy (but time will tell) - is SA safer than the Costa del Sol (well, at least it is warmer, but then so is hell).


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