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Muy rapido x 2

For the last couple of years, we have been using a "local" internet provider - belonging to a company that happened to put a fibre-optic cable across the top of our road and who I managed to get to put a connection in to our house. Now I would not dream of living in a place without fibre and ADSL. In the package, we get two mobile phones, a landline, national calls, 100GB internet and a UK tv package - all for about 85€ per month (which was about 25% of what I was paying for crappier service about 10 years ago).

A couple of weeks ago, the technicians called and said they would like to change our sim cards as they intended to change overall provider (currently piggy-backing on Orange). Apologetic and insisted on delivering cards, even though I said I could pop in the office to collect them.

Thus fairly p...´d off when I get an email saying the courier "couldn´t find us at home" (= didn´t bother coming ) and would I go into the office and collect them.

Not in great mood, I went in on Friday - or rather I joined the queue outside. 10 minutes and in to see one of the girls.

She immediately cheered me up as she suggested I might like to change my package (no, dont start). She then offers me 6x the current internet speed, spanish and UK tv and the new sim cards all for 39€ per month!! As the saying goes, what´s not to like?

None of it is really important (OK, the price is a lever), as the internet is like lightning anyway as no one around here knows how to use it expect me!

Not particularly fond of mobile ´phone carrier (back to Movistar), but at least have the fibre company as the interface (and probably better mobile coverage).

Email now suggest I change the sim cards (=supplier) on morning of the 3rd - at 0300 !!

Guess I can wait until 0800 for that and test my new spanish tv progs while I wait.

Muy bueno! (and that 40€ monthly saving may just cover the increase in electricity costs too).

The second piece of good fortune was managing to get the booster jabs undertaken locally without the usual hassle of crowds and queues. We went in at 1310 for our 1330 appoinrments and the nurses were just about waiting to leave, so did us straight away. I got the third covid jab and a flu jab, while G got flu and pneumonia as per last year (no boosters for her youthful age group yet).

Something obviously worked on me as I got the sweats for a couple of nights, but poor old (young) G managed to get a swollen and sore arm for a few days from the pneumonia jab.

The nurse told me to come back in 3 weeks for the pneumonia jab, but I think I might just manage to forget that one!


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