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Mobile Users ++

This is an update to the second post about how the site is developing and some of the issues I (and you) might be experiencing and follows the original post ("Moving On") about the site development.

I have a feeling I have sorted most of the proklems, but welcome comments if not. One of the things I hadn´t really paid much attention to when I started using WiX was this issue of mobile v "static personal computer" displays. I vaguely remember it was an issue in the early days of Wordpress, but not something I had bothered about. Now it is - and the biggest problem (for me) is switching between devices to see whether it is working as I want (apart from the fact it isn´t if you see what I mean).

Things I have noticed on mobiles :

- it doesn´t go straight to the first post you click on, but is OK on the second (if anyone bothers to keep trying) OK now I think

-it seems to add space that you have to scroll through to get to some content OK now I think - anyway workd on my iphone

- please let me know if you see other problems

In other areas, I am frustrated at not being able to use "strike though" as my preferred method of showing what I really mean! I have found a cumbersome workaround using html boxed text, but it isn´t perfect by any means and puts random blank lines at the start - as well as having a character limit and requiring scrolling in that small section. So, as below, and

it is messy in the extreme at present. Grrr (and now I see that text goes to full screen width - not what I want on a mobile) Given up on that - put it in as an improvement request Ha Ha

Another issue is the captions under the photo gallery. Actually, my issues are more to do with my understanding of how "gallery" works, so I need to put a bit of effort in on that to make it more user friendly. I seem to have got the cats bit right (by accident) so I will start from there. OK now I think

I also noticed as I wrote this that there does not seem to ba a way of "linking" to another post from within one - you just have to link the posts so the old one appears after the one you are writing. Not very elegant. OK now I think

The bottom line about this is that, like me, WiX is not perfect. In reality, I am a user who happens to be able to find ways of making applications do what I want - OK, usually by bludgeoning them with a large technological hammer to make them do what I want (despite their not being designed for that functionality). I guess you could call it "IT bodging" - and bodging is one of my skills.

+ just for info, when I add something to a previous post, I am putting a "+" in the header

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