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Jabbering again

The spanish health system (which is probably better than or the equal of the UK´s sacred cow NHS) got its act together fairly quickly on the jab updates (as did I) so we went down for our "boosters" coupled with the annual ´flu jabs yesterday.

I had cunningly sat Rik Wakeman-like with two PC keyboards as I selected dates and times for us both - and managed to get us sequential appointments just before 1400 yesterday. 1400 is great because the nurses finish then, so they rush everyone through from about 1315, so there is no waiting in a scabby waiting area with all the local diseased population - but it is also crap as the school opposite finishes at 1400 and the parents block the road picking up their little darlings. The police do bugger all about all the cars parked a tthe roadside - but harass the patients who are trying to get to the clinic!

Anyway - all done and without much blood, although I really felt the saw-edged needle she used for the covid (not so the other nurse who gently did the gripe in my other arm). I actually couln´t tell I had had anything until I had been in bed for a couple of hours when the covid jab was extremely sore if I lay on it, and the ´flu one only a little sore. Upshot I tossed and turned all night with a variety of vivid dreams and woke up feeling like I had been on the razz for a week (which of course I had not). This morning the regular 30mins of biking actually had the sweat dripping off me (I suppose it should be like that all the time, but Ii am cycling gently rather than chasing up a col).

Luckily today´s frantic Friday coincides with my birthday, so I really can cut loose - well, I thought I could, but the new neighbours kids who are here on a week´s hol are apparently coming up to say hello later (turns out it is another of their kids birthdays today too), so I might have to show some restaint should I go to the bar (can´t remember ever writing that before).

The mega-shambles in the UK politics continues to the extent that I think it is likely that they will bring back Boris. It might get then in contention for the next election, but I don´t think he is up to any serious future planning (and I noted that the press are starting to realise that it is probably Mrs B who is driving the crazy green agenda). You know things are bad when friends from other countries are sending me Gifs and Memes taking the piss out of UK politicians.

The Tory methodology for electing a leader was so flawed as to be unbelievable - the MPs bartering votes with various candidates, before offering a choice of the least-worse candidates to the party members. I suppose that when you dont actually have any statesmen (statespeople?) then you are screwed anyway. I said "was" as I believe they have changed the rules for this next pm to something wherby anyone with 100 backers can stand.

God help us all.


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