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Had a visitor yesterday morning when I was starting to tidy up the "new" flower beds. This little butterfly came and had a close look at the tiling and brickwork - and seemed to find it acceptable.

I think it is a plain old-fashioned red-admiral - of the type we used to chase when we were kids in the UK.

He obviously knew that his red would match well with the terracotta - or maybe he was finding something to digest on the surface which had recently been washed-down.

The lower terrace (as it may well be known) is now 99% finished, so I put some soil back into the beds - but not in the centre bed where I put a few bricks to show where the "lime bearr" may well be going to live (or may be exchanged for something a bit more sturdy?). Took the photograph and then realised that I had a funny angle that makes everything look lop-sided (but it isn´t ). Actually think it will make a really good sunbathing spot (and maybe why the butterfly was checking it out)

G has found a new hobbie and has been riddling the soil we had left over from the re-turfing. What she delivers is beautiful fine stuff that would cost a fortune (were you able to buy it). 20 years I have had had jimmy-the-riddle, without ever having much cause to use it, but now it is indispensable.

It will come into more use next week too, as, while the guys are here with all their equipment, we have decided to widen the front drive by about 5 feet. It will make it much easier for us to turn the cars around, especially when the drive is full of builders vehicles and equipment (somehow I now realise that I am doing something to facilitate the people who are doing it).

What the hell, we need more soil to riddle.


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