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In and still spinning

Well, we achieved the goal of getting out of a (very) clean 1 Vic (thanks Anne for coming over and helping), and getting into 11CC. Strangely, the speed of the hampster wheel has not really stopped as we are doing all the little things that need to done once you are in-situ and see the reality of requirements.

One major-ish thing that was completed more or less as we moved in was "the Shed" - which came to a very rapid conclusion as once the location was agreed, the guys came and did the plinth - so I finalisied the orderwith the garden centre, then the shed was delivered within a few days and came alongside my shed-builder new best mate Richie - who put it all together and painted it all within about 4 hours.

So here it is in all its glory.

Primary rationale is that the gear from the garage (bike, mower, tools etc) can be shoved in here and free up space in the garage to actually (gasp) put in the car!

The insurance people always ask if the car will be garaged, which is an absolutely pointless question on the Island as everyone has their cars on the drive alongside the caravan, while the garages are all full of junk. But still they ask, and still everyone claims all their cars are garaged in their single garage / store! Anyway, I will try - and if nothing else, it will give me something to which to attach my weather-station pole.

Oh, and typically the week after Anne was here, we finally got the guest bed delivered, so the upstairs is furnished. (not talking shed now)

Todaay I ordered a cabinet which is ntended for use for glasses and other booze-related gear. Strange process at Ikea, as they will not allow it to be collected, but insist on delivering it. Unfortunately not to the Island, but luckily to the Ikea freight man´s warehouse. More screwdriver´s wrist on the way next week.

Oh - and the mower I bought from the previous house-owner works! It is a cheapish MacAllister battery job, but is actually not bad - especially on slightly too long dampish grass having its first cut of the year. Major drawback is that the battery can only cope with enough hoursr to do about 40% of the total area, so overnight pauses while waiting for the charger. I did actually do the final 12m2 with the strimmer as I thought it prudent it case it rained and caused a major delay.

It made me realise that I will have to dedicate one pair to being gardening shoes. Maybe a(nother) pair of Grensons, so I will be shoeing a Syrian tramp and a myself as a gardener in style.

While Anne was here, she and I dropped into the local pub down the road. Very welcoming barman / landlord in the Whitestone hailing from Hollywood in Northern Ireland, so I might have to start jumping on the bus down and back on a regular basis (only two stops down the hill, but certainly too far for me to walk).

Of course, the main hassle of moving is in now having to do all the formal address changes - with the banks (even WIse) being the usual pain in the a**. Some parts are remarkably easy - today we went down and sorted out our (required) change to Manx driving licences. Photo was required and supposedly countersigned by "someone who has known you for two years". When I pointed out the inherent problem for an Island newcomer who knows no-one, the girl just laughed and said bring your passport and that will do! I like the style.

Next we have to do the UK social security - who actually are fairly pragmatic when they know we are both in the same room and they are asking us questions to check our I/ds, knowing that we are prompting each other. Strangely that has to be done by telephone, whereas the Dutch version requires a written letter.

I sent Shell the appropriate forms attached to an email, only to get a response about trying to use the online system they set up for such a purpose. I didn´t have the heart to tell them that it is the worst, most complicated and security-strangled piece of interactive software I have ever experienced. Maybe they already know that as everyone continues to send them forms!

Must go and screw a few more bits onto doors (or was it walls?) - at least it is nice to be able to drill into the property as we own it.


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