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Find a Funda

We had a couple of really windy / gusty days this week (ok, I know the UK was blasted apart by Eunice, but this is us) and at the tail end of one such day, her self informed me that the cover for the rotary line had "disappeared". Well, we hunted high and low - looked over neighbours garden walls, checked everywhere it could accidentally have been stowed and - nothing. She even asked me if I had ordered two of them when I bought the lost cover online (I will confess to having something of a penchant for buying two of anything I need), but the answer was still no.

I checked the security cameras, and they had not been triggered by a black wind.sock flying past. I even went as far as going up onto the road and looking at the parcela next door in case it had been caught in a tree over there - but still zero.

Now, we were out shopping during the week and I had been trying to find (a different) cover (funda) for the gas bottle we use on the kitchen patio for the barbecue. The chino did actually have some available, but they looked more like something a granny might use as a nightie, so no to that. I had actually gone in looking for a shiny windscreen sunscreen (of a type I had been using in previous years to shield the butane), but amazingly the chino came up empty on that too.

Where now? Well, Amazon of course. I went on the PC and found a site selling the line covers and I found the perfect model with a short delivery (beware as side by side there are sites with 20 week delivery times from China if you are not careful). Then I remembered the gas bottle , so one hour later went back and ordered a similar cover for the gas bottle (wondering if they would come together, even though different vendors). Well, in under 24 hours, the mailman was at the door with a small box containing both covers. Success - and I even put it on the line and sent a picture to herself to prove my efficiency.

Success was somewhat muted by her coming home with the sunshield she had found in a different chino, but, hey ho, you can´t win ´em all.

A couple of days later, I went down to the lower neighbour´s garden to check that the builders had closed the doors and turned off any water. On a whim, also went into his avocado patch just to see whether the cover was visible anywhere from there. Nothing. Zilch. Anyway, I wandered to the far side and, in a fit of idiocy, took a photo through the fence of where my pool water vents into the parcela above. As I checked the photo versus the reality, I noticed something grey hidden in the gap between a water tank and the fence - it was that original bloody funda - and only about 10 feet from where it should have been, but totally hidden from site from everywhere except where I was standing in the corner of the garden.

Oh, look - there it is..........................................................^

Sometimes Amazon can be too convenient and quick.


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