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Calima Calamity

Well, that blood(y) rain has struck again and created yet another fine mess. It really is like mud and sticks to everything (walls, cement, railing etc) like the proverbial to a blanket.

Last time I was struggling to get the iphone to show a proper image, so this time I persevered and ended up with these taken from the lounge

as you will see, it is a striking orange which gives a really eerie look to everything.

One of the strange featutres is that it sticks to surfaces even before it rains - this time it actually looked like grey volcanic ash on the benches and dark surfaces, but one it falls it is just like mud - very fine and almost immovable. Luckily I have a jet wash which will come into use when it is all over, but I still think we are going to have to get the house painted (if there are any painters not already contracted, and if there is any paint with the current transport strike).

The pool (which I had just about managed to get clean after the previous event, is now more like the river Mersey - which I used to cross on my way to school back in the sixties (and before they cleaned it up).

Another sack of floculant has been introduced and I am letting the system churn for a few hours to try to get that circulated, then hoping it will settle and allow me to vacuum it out.

This is actually a waste of time as I went to the Niño yesterday solely to speak with Juan and see what he thought about the weather forecast. His view was that there could be more in the offing. At that time the weather reports were favourable, however G found one today (who must also have checked with Juan) and they are predicting more of the same overnight Monday to Tuesday.

This of course, has not stopped G from going out and cleaning up - and she is currently on the top balcony with a hose and brush)

I am going to go to the Niño for another forecast (or two) !!

* and Juan reported that a 95 year old resident of the Pueblo said he had never in his life seen anything like this. Juan also saying don´t do anything before the end of April as there may be more, or, alternatively, it might all be washed away by the rain. I guess no one really knows seeing as it is a "black swan" event.


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