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Blow by blow account

Sitting at my pc listening to the wind howling outside. It is a north wind, which, in our case, means it can come from anywhere in the range of East to West, as the mountains deflect it and send it around corners (or so it seems). The local weather app even had a warning for strong winds - and to date my little anemometer shows we have had 54kph = force 7 (I think). Anyway it is rough enough to get waves on the pool (cleaned yesterday unfortunately) and leave leaves in piles in various parts of the garden. The sea looks flat calm, but the wind is blowing offshore, so I guess that is reasonable.

Out new neighbours (the Danes) have quickly realised what a mess / pain (and potential threat) the big trees between us are and have promised to cut them down before the end of the year, but this wind could easily take one or two down onto their roof if they aren´t quick!

G managed to get an op on her ankle in double quick time when I talked her into switching to a different hospital, so she is a bit chirpier now, but still having to go through a litany of things to protect the op areas. I spent a lot of time waiting around in the hospital while she went through pre-op, op etc, but at least they have a 24-hour cafe and a car park, so a bit more accessible (and comfortable) than Marbella. I was that impressed with the place that I made an appointment with my eye specialist - something I have been putting off since before covid. He wants me to do something called a "field test" (where you sit in a tiny booth and stare at a mechanically-changing black screen) , and I find it almost impossible to concentrate and miss the little lights - which makes things look worse when the results are analysed. It is actually tempting to cheat as there is a definitely a timing sequence, but that would be a bit self-defeating I guess.

I woke up one day last week and realised that the Qashqai was now 7 years old, so decided on a whim to look at changing the two cars to just one - thus went down to Francisco at Nissan to see what he could offer. I wanted to stay with Nissan, as I particularly like to the service staff and the ease of access (at the bottom of the hill), but the "other, not Francisco" salesman wanted me to pay another 10k to get a new Qashqai - which seemed crazy and totally over the top. I asked about smaller cars and found they did a Micra automatic Sprint which is VERY quick and I could get that for less than the 10k part-exing just the Qashqai. Did the deed, so we still have two cars, but what the hell. I like the Micra a lot, but am really struggling to get my iphone to work on car play and display maps (which I neither need nor look at in reality). I will work on it. G has taken it to the shops this morning, so I am waiting for it to be decalred "her" car now.

Other technology has fallen into my lap and started working with real ease. I have a "few" security cameras and noticed that TP did wifi plugs and bulbs. Bought a few bits to test and was stunned at ease of connection and set up and how they slot into the app. Currently annoying G by dimming lights at will and switching stuff on and off. She particularly dislikes how "white" the bulbs glow, so I might get a rainbow one next just to really wind her up!

Rufus continues his daily visits for food, if not for any form of interaction. It is strange that he only comes in the daylight hours, so maybe he really does have a proper home. He is a bit like a hotel guest who comes down first thing to inspect the buffet, nicks a croissant, then goes off for a constitutional. After that he comes back for a proper breakfast, then goes about his busines - with later visits for lunch and high tea. We take the biscuits in at dark and I don´t catch him coming around in the night, so it seems like a perfect relationship - but I do wish he would stop acting like such a scrared wimp when he must know that I am trying to put his biscuits out. The pantomimm scaredy-cat half-run-away is a bit wearing after almost a year.


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