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A light trim

Finally managed to get my appointment with the barber this morning, although I had to wait in the street for over half an hour as I was early and he ran late with other customers. I refused his invitation to wait inside his tiny shop - why take that risk? As one does with barbers, we discussed life, death, covid and philosophy. Luckily he spent a couple of years in the UK and is happy to practice his english with me. On finishing, he tried to spray some stuff on my hair, but I refused - whereupon he grabbed a bottle of something and sprayed that instead. God it was vile - and clingy. Walked back to my car past the "cerrado los martes" Niño and went in the downstairs sink and rinsed my face, neck and hair. Still smelling that damn stuff though.

I have been intending to do the annual (=this year, but almost never before) pruning of the grapevine, and I decided today was the day. I had been putting it off trying to find some photographs of how it should look afterwards, but struggled to find anything except for vineyards. Decided to trust in my natural arboreal heritage (again).

This is how it looked before I started (but after I cut it back in August). The spanish believe it should only be cut during a waning moon in late December - I think you cut it when you have the time. I have also been waiting for my "pruner´s thumb" to get better after the marathon pruning of the almond, lemon, avocado and bouganvillea.

Anyway, got out the stepladder and some garden scissors I found in G´s gardening trug. Swiftly went back in and fetched the 2´ long double-handed loppers as that vine is not only nobbly but tough. A few goes with the loppers and I went for the electric saw - this was becoming a battle of wills. I then spent two hours scurrying up and down ladders and hacking, sawing and sweeping. At one point I allowed my stiff-necked gaze to go up beyond the vine and saw 3 eagles circling - that or they were buzzards waiting for me to fall off the ladder. During the purge, I actually found three small bunches of grapes - in far better shape than the normal crop which is always damaged by some"thing" - I tried one and it was palatable, but spat it out anyway. Now covered in sawdust, leaves and tiny beasts (the ones that damage the crop I guess). I threw all my outer clothes in a heap and stuck my head under the tap (again). Flushed with the enthusiasm of completing an unloved task, I decided to go the whole hog and clean the pool. Thence 45 minutes spent hoovering, followed by an equal amount of time cleaning the filter and trying to get the ´o´-rings seated properly to stop water leaks.

It may seem insignificant, but that was a "couple of soldiers moved forward" type of day for me. Only problem is that it has compounded my stiff neck and I can already feel the leg cramps which will now plague me through the night. There is always a price to pay (nine euros plus a tip, if you must know).


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