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>>>no time at all

It was the equinox a few days ago and the clocks changed to BST or whatever they call it in Europe. One hour forward, with alll the associated clock and timer changing, except for the clock in my head, which is still very much on last week´es time. That and the fact that the sun doesn´t seem to have got the message, as we have to get up in the dark and go to bed while it is still light. Seeing as we get this issue twice evry year, for no apparemt purpose, why don´t we just stop changing them - or, and better still, change them by a couple of minutes each day. Not difficult with electronics. Hell - we could even match our clocks to the sun!

All this was underscored for me when I caught a programme / film about a variety of scientists of differing disciples being brought together in pairs - and for them to find incredible similarities between their work and the other´s , despite their being totally unrelated.

The key one (ones) were a neuro-scientist and a guy working on the atomic clock timer. Atom-man was developing systems which allowed them to split time down into ever more minute parts of a second, whilst the neuro man had found that there was no actual timer in the body or the brain.

OK, you have your heartbeat - but we all know that can run at a speed to suit itself. Hunger, thirst and all the bodily functions tend to be reactive. What this guy was testing was how people´s brains reacted to differing time events shown to them - all done while they were inside an MRI scanner. They were shown clips of film, then asked to estimate how long they had lasted - and the answers were invariably quite wrong, but dependent upon the subject matter.

When clips showed something happening, the patient tended to get the timescale better, but when the clips were very boring (think watching grass growing) they were well out.

This could have been an expensive way of proving something we all no well - time passes quickly when you are having fun, but drags when you are bored, but there was more to it than that.

They didn´t mention Advaita, but one of the ideas in that is that things like time are just concepts and have no factual base. As Stanly Sobotka wrote :

"The world (the universe) is the collection of objects consisting of the body-mind and all other objects. The world appears to exist in time and space.

However, time and space are nothing but concepts. They are not real.

Time is the concept of change. Since all objects change, all objects are temporal concepts.

Space is the concept of extension (size and shape). Since all objects are extended in space, all objects are spatial concepts."

followed by :

"We are not a concept or object because We are what is aware of all concepts and objects. Therefore, We are Awareness/Presence.

Because the body-mind and the world are objects, they appear in us we do not appear in them".

Throw your watch away - it is not real and only showing a concept. Much better to "get into the zone" and stay there for ever (even if it is only a couple of seconds in other people´s interpretation).

Now must go and change the outside clock on the patio - forgot it somehow while I was meditating on this

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