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Visitors will, in all likelihood, know the originator and thus be assured that the views expressed are primarily for entertainment and to provoke shock and awe. Woke snowflakes are advised to avoid reading the blog unless in a sitting position and having smelling salts to hand.
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Any data used in the site has been provided by the originator who has implicitly given permission for its use. Any person wishing to have data removed from the site should contact the administrator via the contact section. The comment will not be published, however the site administrator will revert to the originator’s e-mail address if necessary. Note that email addresses will be retained unless requested otherwise.
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Documents, photographs, movies and other graphics belong to the site administrator or have been taken from (free) file sharing website. Reproduction of text or images is subject to approval from the site owner. Use contact page to request permission of owner.
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This area is designed to allow contact, comments and suggestions to be made. All entries will be accepted or rejected by the webmaster/mediator.
To make contact with the webmaster, enter use the contact button. The message will then NOT be published, but the webmaster will respond to your e-mail address.
All published comments are the sole responsibility of the originator, however, please remember that while it is a private site for member’s use, some of it may be available for public reading.
You are requested not to use strong language or people’s names, ‘phone numbers or e-mail addresses in any comment intended for publication.
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