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The seeker
Mar 28, 2021
Just a Moment
OK - you are sitting somewhere catching up on this stuff, but should you be doing something else? (Yes, anything but this they think). I...

Dec 11, 2020
Pool Trap
All systems go today as we are in Phase 3. Yippee. I went out in the car to undertakes some tasks, but failed abysmally as both people I...
The seeker
Dec 11, 2020
Quotations I like
Rabindranath Tagore Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. Plato A philosopher...
The seeker
Dec 11, 2020
Stan Grof
Stan Grof is mentioned elsewhere on the site. I wasn´t totally hooked on everything he wrote, but some interesting quotes on death and...
Dec 10, 2020
Smart A**
Fast brain, fast mouth, no filter. Probably the definition of a smart-ass, and pretty much sums up my life from a very early age -...
The seeker
Dec 8, 2020
Types of memory
A lot of the statements from Nisargadatta Maharaj relate to memory and the problems that arise from memories. I originally started...
The seeker
Oct 20, 2020
Hong Sau
Hong-Sau I have found this to be one of the best "instant" meditatoo techniques I have come across Hong-Sau’s three components of...
Sep 30, 2020
All this balloney about "cultural appropriation" really gets on my t**s nerves (well, no surprise in that then?) as just about everything...
Sep 13, 2020
Most of the time, I seem to find most of my interesting insects in, or around, the pool. Yesterday I rescued what I thought was a moth...
Sep 12, 2020
All TIEded Up
The title is intended to suggest that I have, at last, managed to get our TIE cards - thank heavens for that. What we have now is almost...
The seeker
Apr 3, 2020
I have a folder of “philosophy” notes going back more than 40 years and I started re-reading it yesterday. I was actually surprised to...
The seeker
Mar 24, 2020
In a word - Awareness
Karl Marx is quoted as having said "Religion is ... the opium of the people." Francis Bacon, however, was of the view that "A little...
Jan 12, 2020
On Merit
I am rarely contentious in this diary - I have views which are probably too radical to put down these days - but basically I am a child...
The seeker
Jan 9, 2020
Comparing Religions
I have always resented being brought up a Christian. Even without being a catholic, the whole heaven and hell things is indelibly...

The seeker
Oct 16, 2019
Talking on the ´phone to an old friend who is one of the few people I know who is actually interested in religion / spirituality /...
Dec 27, 2017
Down to the "local"
A Christmas "tradition" which I have tried on a couple of (disastrous) occasions, is the trip to the local for a couple of pints before...

Jul 19, 2015
In full retreat
Went to my first Buddhist "retreat" at the Benalmadena stupa over the weekend and it was totally Ying / Yang as you´d expect. First...

Aug 3, 2014
Private EV Shirt
Private EV Shirt - Hertfordshire Regiment Watching the television tonight as they "commemorated" the start of the 1st World War, but I...
The seeker
Jan 8, 2014
No coming back
I started getting interested in comparative religion when I was in my teens - eventually settling on Taoism as being the closest to what...
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