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The seeker
Feb 18, 2023
Killer Date
I took G out on a date this week - ok, I didn´ ttake her anywhere and she actually was in the lead, but we went together to a cafe. A...
The seeker
Mar 29, 2021
>>>no time at all
It was the equinox a few days ago and the clocks changed to BST or whatever they call it in Europe. One hour forward, with alll the...
The seeker
Mar 28, 2021
Just a Moment
OK - you are sitting somewhere catching up on this stuff, but should you be doing something else? (Yes, anything but this they think). I...

The seeker
Jan 6, 2021
Advaita, Zen, Tao
Advaita On Zen And Tao by Ramesh Balsekar This is pretty much where all my interests lie and encompasses the three philosophies that...

The seeker
Dec 30, 2020
In the Zen Zone
I had been thinking of penning an article on Zen Buddhism, but that is probably the worst way of going about it. When you look for Zen,...

The seeker
Dec 27, 2020
Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching Ancient Chinese books were commonly referenced by the name of their real or supposed author, in this case the "Old...

The seeker
Dec 27, 2020
My path has touched on many different philosophies, with Taosim being the first one which fitted my way of thinking Wu Wei The method of...

The seeker
Dec 17, 2020
Advaita Vedanta (intro)
Paramahamsa - literally great swan as "hamsa" is swan and the image of advaita Advaita Vedanta (sometimes called ”pracanna bauddham" -...

The seeker
Dec 15, 2020
Third Eye
The third eye People talk and write of the third eye, or ajna, as if it were an additional sense. In Hindu tradition it is something that...
The seeker
Dec 8, 2020
Types of memory
A lot of the statements from Nisargadatta Maharaj relate to memory and the problems that arise from memories. I originally started...
The seeker
Oct 20, 2020
Hong Sau
Hong-Sau I have found this to be one of the best "instant" meditatoo techniques I have come across Hong-Sau’s three components of...
The seeker
Apr 7, 2020
I know it was Kubler-Ross who came up with the sequence of Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance for times of stress. I...
The seeker
Apr 3, 2020
I have a folder of “philosophy” notes going back more than 40 years and I started re-reading it yesterday. I was actually surprised to...
The seeker
Mar 24, 2020
In a word - Awareness
Karl Marx is quoted as having said "Religion is ... the opium of the people." Francis Bacon, however, was of the view that "A little...
Mar 16, 2020
In the Library
As I delve into the background to advaita vedanta, I have been interested to find thatI already have some of the books mentioned....
The seeker
Jan 9, 2020
Comparing Religions
I have always resented being brought up a Christian. Even without being a catholic, the whole heaven and hell things is indelibly...

The seeker
Oct 16, 2019
Talking on the ´phone to an old friend who is one of the few people I know who is actually interested in religion / spirituality /...

Jul 19, 2015
In full retreat
Went to my first Buddhist "retreat" at the Benalmadena stupa over the weekend and it was totally Ying / Yang as you´d expect. First...

The seeker
Apr 3, 2015
The trigger for my search
I suppose this could have been entitled "my vision on the road to Damascus", but it was actually the road to Nottingham - and way before...
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