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The seeker
Dec 27, 2020
Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching Ancient Chinese books were commonly referenced by the name of their real or supposed author, in this case the "Old...

Dec 27, 2020
Dover Beach
There has been a lot of press comment about Dover this week, so I thought I would soften the issue with a bit of culture. This poem...
The seeker
Dec 15, 2020
Impermanence, aging, and illness Do not give people a set time. One may be alive in the morning, Then dead at night, Changing worlds in...
The seeker
Dec 11, 2020
Quotations I like
Rabindranath Tagore Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. Plato A philosopher...
The seeker
Dec 11, 2020
Stan Grof
Stan Grof is mentioned elsewhere on the site. I wasn´t totally hooked on everything he wrote, but some interesting quotes on death and...
The seeker
Sep 9, 2020
Impermanence, aging, and illness Do not give people a set time. One may be alive in the morning, Then dead at night, Changing worlds in...
The seeker
May 11, 2020
As is the human body so is the cosmic body, As is the human mind so is the cosmic mind, As is the microcosm so is the macrocosm, As is...
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