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Jun 12, 2021
Disorganised shambles *
The good news is that G managed to get her seconf vacccine yesterday. The bad news is the abso-bloody-lutely unbelievable shambles that...

May 21, 2021
On a roll
Today was a good day for the household, as G was given her first jab. I have mentioned before how the obfuscacion had made it impossible...

May 18, 2021
Today the highlight of the year transpired within 20 seconds of our door (and lasted about as long) - yes, the main cycle race went past....

May 14, 2021
Digitally Uncertified
Well, after all that hassle, I now have a Digital Certificate - of a sort. I went into the Town Hall for my appointment - actually I was...

May 9, 2021
Stormy weather
Yesterday was absolutely beautiful, with temperatures in the mid-20s and so nice that we even had the first BBQ of the year. Later as we...

May 8, 2021
Digital Identity #1
Here in Spain, they have adopted a thing called a "digital certificate" which is stored on your computer and can be used to endorse...

May 7, 2021
Una Locura
I managed to get to my dentists yesterday. I had asked him to let me know when he had been vaccinated and he called me to say he had been...

Apr 22, 2021
It gets crazier
The obfuscation in relation to the covid jabs has pretty much peaked with the latest I have heard. Someone I know, who is a resident but...

Apr 12, 2021
Box ticked
Amazingly, I have today had my first jab for coronavirus. Stunned of Stockport just isn´t in it. I had a phone call on Friday telling me...
Apr 1, 2021
Just a joke?
Strange things happening down here at the moment, with foreign-plated cars about and obvious tourists ( = holding little maps) appearing...
Mar 28, 2021
Something stirs
Talking to a pal this morning and Ta-Da! - now we actually know someone who has had the "jab" in spain based on age. A couple that lives...

Mar 2, 2021
mega-shambles + ++
A couple of noteworthy things today on the jab front. No, there is absolutely zero sign of anything happening to improve their target of...

Feb 25, 2021
how long?
G was looking at an article in the local rag wherein they were saying the vaccine campaign in spain will probably roll on for a year....

Feb 12, 2021
ofuscación +
Well, they do actually have a word for it. The spanish "plan" for the roll-out of the vaccine has now been leaked out a bit - I hesitate...
Feb 4, 2021
I had to laugh when I saw an article today wherein "civil servants" (or whatever they call them in spain) were complaining about the...

Jan 23, 2021
Last week, I was talking on the ´phone to a friend in the US who was in Oman with us in the nineties. She was saying how having been...

Jan 19, 2021
Genuine Statistics
With the covid cases apparently increasing exponentially, the various levels of government are finally trying to get to grips with the...

Jan 6, 2021
Batten down the Hatches! ++
We have something other than covid to think about this week, and, as is typical for us Brits, it is the weather. Actually, not typically...
Dec 25, 2020
Government Yes - Doctor No
This is an extract from a post I put up early in the pandemic: One result that all the governments seem to be in agreement upon is the...

Dec 11, 2020
Pool Trap
All systems go today as we are in Phase 3. Yippee. I went out in the car to undertakes some tasks, but failed abysmally as both people I...
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