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Dec 31, 2024
No Green Shoots
There will be no resolutions for me, in fact there will probably not even be a salute to the New Year as I will be in the land of nod...

Nov 17, 2024
No progress?
One of my pet hates is when there is no feedback or information update on something you are waiting for from a supplier. ...

Jun 13, 2023
Much as expected
The election went off fairly smoothly from our point of view, but the Brit councillor (in opposition) for the past 4 years was crapped on...
Oct 7, 2022
Home Alone
A quiet week, as she-who-must-be-obeyed was over in Blighty to see her sister. (and much thanks to A&S for their forbearance and carriage...
Sep 11, 2022
Wunch (continuing)
You really can´t begin to believe how bad Barclays are in relation to managing accounts (I don´t think the word "customers" has passed...
Jul 17, 2021
Anti-Social Garbage
I am starting to believe that (anti) social media might be the (anti) Christ as predicted in most religious tracts - just not in the way...

Apr 15, 2021
Get Woke
I have occasionally mentioned how Shell were always ahead of the curve when it came to political correctness, what with the active...

Feb 5, 2021
There seems to be a problem in most countries in deciding the priority of the people who should receive the vaccine. Everyone seems...

Jan 12, 2021
An article in the press caught my eye this morning, but I had to read it about three times to even start to believe it. It was about a...

Jan 4, 2021
Dry January
Today is (yet another) another beautiful day down here, blue sky and only a little breeze. The temperatures are pretty grim though, max...

Dec 19, 2020
Techno Cascade
I have written before about the state of the Apple iPhone market and my personal belief that the iPhone 6s was the pinnacle of...
Dec 17, 2020
Shambles, Pagaille, Confusión
It doesn´t really matter which country you are in, the handling of the Covid outbreak is, and is seen as, a shambles. I personally cannot...
Sep 30, 2020
All this balloney about "cultural appropriation" really gets on my t**s nerves (well, no surprise in that then?) as just about everything...
Jan 12, 2020
On Merit
I am rarely contentious in this diary - I have views which are probably too radical to put down these days - but basically I am a child...
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