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Aug 31, 2021
Back in step
I was having a coffee (actually tea) with a couple of friends and noticed her smart smart-watch. "Thats´ nice" I commented, only to be...
Jul 17, 2021
Anti-Social Garbage
I am starting to believe that (anti) social media might be the (anti) Christ as predicted in most religious tracts - just not in the way...

Jul 7, 2021
Bearing Up
You may recall that I have a bit of a "thing" for lime trees, and am currently the proud parent of twins following the demise of "old...

Jun 14, 2021
No Cheese?
We have a yellowhammer somewhere nearby and I have seen it in the (absolute) tops of the fir trees - which seems to be one of the...

Jun 3, 2021
One afternoon this week, and in a fit of idiocy, I started "moving a few things around" in the basement. We had purged the "car parking"...

May 9, 2021
Stormy weather
Yesterday was absolutely beautiful, with temperatures in the mid-20s and so nice that we even had the first BBQ of the year. Later as we...

Apr 25, 2021
April Showers
During my times in foreign climes, I was renowned for my ability to bring rain to the driest locations (it not being necessary in the...

Apr 12, 2021
Box ticked
Amazingly, I have today had my first jab for coronavirus. Stunned of Stockport just isn´t in it. I had a phone call on Friday telling me...

Apr 5, 2021
Up in the air
Where we are up at 400-odd metres on the south side of the sierra blanca is a little bit breezy. Actually it is more than just a bit...

Apr 1, 2021
Travelling Light?
G called me to the window to check on a "huge bird" she had seen going overhead, then trying to land in a tree in the neighbour´s garden....

Mar 24, 2021
Gnashing my teeth
Just speaking (ok, whatsapping) with my dentist this morning, as I read that "they" were starting on vaccinating them at the beginning of...

Mar 18, 2021
Jetting out
Ha! that caught your attention! However the jet is actually the jet-washer (Lidl´s as you didn´t ask) which has now been in use for about...

Mar 6, 2021
Bog Off / Soy fontanero
I have been having a problem with my toilet for quite a few weeks now (and I cannot believe I haven´t mentioned it yet). Having reread...

Mar 5, 2021
Demarcation rules
All the patio and building work has been done and now we wait for the painter. I have never quite understood why builders can´t put on a...

Mar 1, 2021
Since last Thursday (25th Feb), our little furry pal Tingucker, the last puss that lives at the stable, has been missing. It is not at...

Feb 24, 2021
Edging forward
Yesterday was all about cement. The lads spent the whole day mixing and spreading cement as the new foundation. About the only building...

Feb 22, 2021
Beat Cat
I can remember when I was one of the Quality Management courses that there was a tale of how Komatsu set out to be the number one earth...

Feb 21, 2021
Had a visitor yesterday morning when I was starting to tidy up the "new" flower beds. This little butterfly came and had a close look at...

Feb 6, 2021
Family service
In keeping with the family tradition of helping out, G´s sister has been volunteering at the local vaccination centre in the North West....

Feb 5, 2021
Shenton´s Pig
There is a lot of stuff in the UK press this week about a zoom meeting that got out of control and ended up on the web. It was for...
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